Center of Research Innovation and Excellence (CRIE)


The Center of Research, Innovation and Excellence (CRIE) of University of Thessaly aims to support multilevel academic and research activities, whose common factor is innovation and excellence. It aspires to acknowledge and reinforce excellence, to promote the research competitiveness of the University, to target the production of innovative products and to provide services to the society and to businesses in specialized fields.

The Center of Research, Innovation and Excellence (CRIE) of University of Thessaly is a supportive unit with the following actions (among others):

(a) The coordination of high technology infrastructures for their maximum utilization.

(b) The support of interdisciplinary research projects that ensure through their application, the investigation and solution of important social and productive problems and are funded by national and international programs.

(c) The identification, recognition and support of Excellence of the University as well as the dissemination of practices and produced research work.

There are obvious benefits for the University of Thessaly, such as the following:

  • it will give the opportunity to UTH research groups to claim their participation in competitive research programs of the EU with greater chances of success, making the UTH an important node in the network of excellence
  • it will increase funding due to programs and innovation
  • new postdoctoral researchers will be able to offer teaching services to departments as they will be remunerated by CRIE
  • the UTH will be actively integrated in global interdisciplinary and collaborative research networks
  • research findings will upgrade the University in international evaluations

The Center of Research, Innovation and Excellence (CRIE) of University of Thessaly operates as an independent supportive unit, is governed by a Council, which consists of the Vice Rector for Research and Lifelong Learning as President, the Vice President and the members.

CRIE is supervised by the Senate of University of Thessaly and applies its internal regulation (internal rules of operation) which was first published in the Government Sheet No 4710/v.B/29.12.2017 and revised in the Government Sheet No 6099/v.B/31.12.2020.

The composition of the Council of the Center of Research, Innovation and Excellence (CRIE) of University of Thessaly, consisting of the President and the representatives of the eight Schools of University of Thessaly, who were appointed by the Senate of University of Thessaly for a three-year term, is as follows:


Ioanna Laliotou, Associate Professor of the Department of History, Archeology and Social Anthropology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Thessaly, Vice Rector of Research and Lifelong Learning


1. Michel Zouboulakis, Professor in the Department of Economics of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Economics and Business Administration

2. Antonios Karageorgos, Professor in the Department of Forestry, Wood Science and Design of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Technology

3. Spyridon Karamanos, Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Engineering

4. Dimitrios Bogdanos, Professor in the Department of Medicine of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Health Sciences

5. Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Professor in the Department of Agriculture, Crop Production and Rural Environment of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Agricultural Sciences

6. Stella Tsermentseli, Associate Professor in the Department of Primary Education of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

7. Andreas Flouris, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Physical Education, Sport Science and Dietetics

8. ‪Artemis – Georgia Hatzigeorgiou‬, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics of the University of Thessaly, representing the School of Sciences‬‬