Theatre group
University of Thessaly’s official theatre group, the 'Third Floor' gives students the opportunity to become acquainted with the art of theatre, to work into a team and discover their self-expression skills with the use of theatre games and improvisation. The members of the group familiarise themselves with the art of theatre through exercises, games and techniques and are encouraged to explore their voice, speech and movement as means of expression and tools in this creative experience.
Each year the group selects, adapts or composes the plays they will present to the University’s community and beyond (usually a Christmas children’s play and a play for the general public before the summer). The group works collectively and experimentally, with the guidance of the director / theatre educator and is encouraged to suggest and improvise the material for the final performance. The members of the group (more than 60 over the last years) are invited to participate in all phases of the creation of a theatrical performance, from the adaptation / writing of the play to set making, music, costumes, lighting, while various collaborations are encouraged i.e. with the University’s Music Ensembles for the songs, the Department of Architecture for the set design, with Volos’ Vocational Training Institute for the costumes, and so on.
The final result is presented to the University’s community and beyond (participation in the Serres International University Theatre Festival, theatre tour in the ‘cities of the University of Thessaly’, presentations at the Kassavetia prison, performances in the city's central theatre venues, schools, etc.).
As part of the ‘Third Floor’, the Educational Theatre Group of the University of Thessaly emerged, as a specialised team which plans and organises pedagogical programs for institutions such as the Roma Support Centre, Volos Orphanage, schools in the remote villages of Pelion, Volos prisons, etc.
For the last two years and since live theatrical encounters were hardly possible, the '3rd Floor' stayed active in the field of creation and production of short and feature films, giving students the opportunity to remain creative and explore the possibilities of the art of cinema. The fruit of these efforts is the Cinema Group ‘24 Frames’ which was established for the needs of the specific period but continues exploring the art and techniques of cinema, independently and in close collaboration with the ‘Third Floor’.
‘Third Floor’ online:
Έυημερία Νάρκη’
A dystopian film, written by the group, which looks at the unfamiliar experience of the quarantine through a (black) humour lens
‘Are you missing something?’
A short film created by the group in collaboration with ΚΕΘΕΑ – Πιλότος, in order to raise awareness for drug abuse and addiction.
‘B.A.B.Y. Ltd’
Filmed Performance which occurred from the Theatre group’s participation in the programme P.A.G.E. Performance and Gender Equality, an international arts project organised by ‘Crossing Borders Dk’ to educate and raise awareness on LGBTQ+ and gender issues.
Theatre from a distance or a study on C. Durang’s ‘Laughing Wild’ because we all need the arts during the pandemic.
‘Re – Act’
In collaboration with the Department of Language and Intercultural Studies and the professor E. Anastasaki, a video narration by the students about literature and diversity.
‘The Parade’
A short film based on the play by L. Anagnostaki, created by the group for the Grant Award Ceremony by the Israeli Community of Volos.
‘Extraordinary Festive Biscuits’
A letter from Santa Claus, warm wishes and holiday recipes presented with laughter and love by the students of the University for young audiences.
The ‘Three Penny Opera’ by B. Brecht, Trailer
Brecht’s all time classic in a fresh, rambunctious performance by the University of Thessaly’s ‘Third Floor’ theatre group and the ‘Musical Ensembles’
Maria Karazanou
Drama teacher - Director
Εmail: mgkarazanou [at] (mgkarazanou[at]gmail[dot]com), theatriki_omada [at] (theatriki_omada[at]uth[dot]gr)