Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU)


The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (MOKE) of the University of Thessaly is a development of the Programs for the “Encouragement of Entrepreneurship, Innovative Applications and Elective Courses of the Students of the University of Thessaly” (Phases 1 and 2, Operational Program for Education and Initial Vocational Training – EPEAEK II). It is being implemented in the framework of the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning: 2007 – 2013” and it is part of a wider plan for the career and employment of alumni and the connection of the University with the labor market.

MOKES’s fundamental goals are the development of business and innovation skills of the UTH students and the support of their business endeavors.

To achieve its goals MOKE implements the following:

  • teaching courses relevant to entrepreneurship and innovation
  • securing direct contact with the business community aided by visits to productive forces and utilizing well-known entrepreneurs and/or high-ranking business executives.
  • fully exploiting the possibilities offered by new technologies by utilizing modern management and business planning tools.
  • supporting business endeavors and implementation of entrepreneurial ideas.

More information on the activity of MO.K.E. can be found on the website (



Scientific responsible

Professor Pandoleon D. Skagiannis

Phone numbers

00302421074492 (Areti Paschali)

00302421074470 (Anna Zugoura)

00302421074476 (Petros Rodakinias)

e-mail: epixeirimatikotita [at] (epixeirimatikotita[at]uth[dot]gr)