KA102 Strategic Partnerships

ΚΑ102 Στρατηγικές Συμπράξεις

The University of Thessaly participates in and commits to the successful implementation of various European and international programs aiming at serving the needs of different target groups and the implementation of various activities, such as:

  • reinforcement of cooperation and networking between organizations
  • promotion of the development, trial and implementation of innovative practices
  • facilitation of the recognition and certification of knowledge, skills and abilities
  • reinforcement of the cooperation between regional authorities in order to develop new education, training  and youth systems
  • support of trainees with disability/special needs and facilitation of their integration in the labor market
  • support of education and training professionals aiming at the promotion of equality, difference and integration in the learning environment
  • promotion of the integration of newly arrived immigrants and sensitization regarding the refugee crisis in Europe
  • promotion young entrepreneurship and active participation in public activities

The University of Thessaly currently possesses significant experience in various European initiatives (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, DG Employment, EASME, Interreg, Erasmus+ Sports, Knowledge Alliances, etc.) either as a coordinator or as core partner.

The experienced team of the Center for International Education takes part in a large number of programs for a wide range of thematic fields.

All the projects are supported by the UTH academic community. The quality of implemented projects is verified at a national level as well as through institutional experts, professors, trainers, etc.

Detailed information on the programs in which the UTH is participating can be found on the website of the Center for International Education http://cie.uth.gr/current-projects/

List of current projects