The Centre for Teaching and Learning (C.T.L.) of the University of Thessaly, provides teaching and learning support to the teaching staff of the University of Thessaly aiming at the upgrade of the teaching work and keep up to date with current trends in university pedagogy.
The purpose of the operation of C.T.L. is to provide instructions, advice, and tools to members of the teaching staff of UTH for the effective design, teaching and evaluation of their courses, as well as the enrichment of teaching methods by developing modern and effective educational activities, making use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching of university courses in order to create learning environments that facilitate and support learning.
The educational function of the C.T.L. includes the development of programs in collaboration with faculty members and laboratories of the University of Thessaly, as well as with other Centers, Offices and Institutions that operate in Greece and abroad, whose object is teaching and learning, with the aim of exchanging the know-how regarding the modern educational approaches and the use of I.C.T.