A. Student Accommodation Benefit for Acad. Year 2020-21
Applications for the student accommodation benefit for the academic year 2020-21 will be submitted online from Tuesday 29th June to Friday 30th July 2021, via the Ministry of Education and Religious Matters website, on the specially designated platform https://stegastiko.minedu.gov.gr
When additional documents are required from beneficiaries, these should be sent (due to measures for the prevention of COVID-19 spread) to relevant Student Welfare services by post or online within 30 days from the date of submission of the application.
Detailed contact info for Student Welfare Services
B. Student Hall of Residence in Larissa / Student Hall of Residence in Karditsa
The University of Thessaly has designated buildings for the accommodation of students in the Gaeopolis complex in Larissa and on the University Campus in Karditsa.
The Student Hall of Residence in Larissa comprises 8 independent buildings with a total capacity of 502 beds and the Student Hall of Residence in Karditsa consists of 2 separate buildings with a 104-bed capacity.
The criteria for the selection of accommodated students are their financial and family status. Health reasons are also taken into consideration as well as other parameters affecting the family’s financial situation.
For more information, anyone interested can contact the Independent Department of Meals & Accommodation in corresponding cities.
Larissa: Student Hall of Residence, Larissa-Trikala Ring Road, phone numbers: 00302410684431, 00302410684572, 00302410684407.
Karditsa: Student Hall of Residence, End of Mavromichalis st., phone numbers: 00302441064746, 00302441072042
C. Student Hall of Residence in Volos
The University of Thessaly possesses a Student Hall of Residence in Volos with a capacity of 40 single-bed rooms. Only first-year undergraduate students are accepted, on condition that they are studying away from their families’ place of residence and for one (1) academic year.
The criteria for the selection of accommodated students are their financial and family status. Health reasons are also taken into consideration as well as other parameters affecting the family’s financial situation.
For more information, anyone interested can contact the Student Hall of Residence Office, 2nd November & Vernardaki St., Postcode: 38333, Volos. E-mail address: estiavolou [at] uth.gr (estiavolou[at]uth[dot]gr) Phone Number: 00302421074408-9
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