"The University of Thessaly is now on a continuous path of progress after years. Our goal is to definitively provide UTH with the extroversion and prestige it has lacked in previous years. We knew from the start that we would face obstacles; every change encounters resistance from some. But we will not stop", stated Rector Charalambos Billinis during today's press conference.
"In 2024 alone, we have secured over 40 million euros in funding for UTH, quadruple what was obtained in previous years. This requires systematic work by many people", he emphasized.
Extroversion, excellence, innovation, internationalization, connection with research and the market, improvement of infrastructure and services for students and society are the goals that the University of Thessaly serves. "Society is changing, and the university is changing, too. The legal framework of administration has changed, and everyone must understand this so that UTH does not fall behind. Internationalization, with the obvious protection of our academic community’s interests, is a major challenge. The infrastructure requires upgrades, and we are working in this direction. We are persistently working to solve long-standing problems," Mr. Billinis added.
The Rector of the University of Thessaly, accompanied by Vice Rectors, members of the University Council, the Director of the Technical Services, and the Library Director, referred to the full utilization of the funding received during his tenure, which amounts to about 40 million euros. In addition to repairing damage from the storms Daniel and Elias, for the first time since 2013, there are ongoing maintenance projects for the university’s building infrastructure in all cities. For the first time since its foundation, the university has received 14.5 million euros for the purchase of laboratory and educational equipment, which will significantly enhance its educational and research activities.
He also referred to the funding from the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs for renovation work on student accommodation across the country. UTH is receiving the second-largest funding of 116 million euros for the construction of student residences via a public-private partnership in the old cotton factory in Volos and the Lamia campus. The Rector mentioned the challenges the new administration faces due to past oversights and deficiencies inherited from previous administrations.
"We are proud of our work because we are advancing and completing things that should have been done many years ago," the Rector concluded, providing updates on various issues concerning the academic community.
The Truth about the Central Library
Referring to the Central Library of UTH in Volos, which remains closed after damage from the storms Daniel and Elias, he said that the study was delivered 10 days ago, and there is already an agreement with the Ministry to approve 2.6 million euros for this project. Once the project budget is assessed and if necessary, additional assistance will be requested from the Region, as decided by the Management Council on 27/8/2024. Once the project is contracted, a specific timetable for the full operation of the library will be provided.
"The claims about a 'University without a library' are both inaccurate and unfair to our staff. The Central Library’s collection serves 12 out of UTH's 35 departments (1/3) and 22 out of the approximately 90 postgraduate programs (about 1/4)," Mr. Billinis said. The library consists of 11 buildings across 5 cities, 9 of which are fully operational (the Central Library and the Historical Archives Annex in Volos are non-operational). Meanwhile, the electronic collection (e-journals, e-books, databases, institutional repository) and all electronic library services (eClass, Turnitin, ejournals, accessible book publications, digitization and documentation of digital collections and records in the Historical Archives) are fully supported and continue to grow across all UTH cities, including Volos, he added.
To ensure a reading space for Volos students until the Central Library is reconstructed, Mr. Billinis mentioned that a space is being sought for student use as a reading room. "For 2024 alone, we have allocated 440,000 euros for printed and electronic resources for all students of the institution," the Rector said.
The Truth about the Confucius Institute
"First of all, we are talking about a suspension, not a closure, as some media inaccurately reported," emphasized Mr. Billinis. The agreement with the Confucius Institute in China remains in force. We only suspended the agreement with CUFE University due to damage to the Tsikriki building where it was housed. We are in continuous negotiations with the Chinese Embassy on this issue, as well as with CUFE University, with a view to expanding our collaboration into broader subjects beyond economics, which will ensure synergy with a large number of UTH academic community members. Our goal is to achieve a better agreement for everyone at our university, which is what we are striving for."
The Truth about the 'Yellow Warehouse'
Regarding the 'Yellow Warehouse,' the Rector clarified that its restoration through a programmatic agreement signed in 2018 has been handed over to the Region of Thessaly, which is responsible for financing the project.
Regarding the renovation work on the former Matsaggos tobacco factory building, a contract between UTH and the contractor was signed on 3/9/24, and the work is progressing with funding from the Region.