A System can be defined as a collection of interacting entities which constitute a unified set with a specific purpose. A system which stores, processes and transmits information in digital form is characterized as “digital” and is therefore closely related to computers and Information Technology (IT). The Department of Digital Systems of the University of Thessaly covers all the basic range of knowledge of computing and IT, so that its graduates have the professional rights and prospects which graduates of all IT departments have. It also provides specialized knowledge, enabling its graduates to develop innovative systems for emerging sectors, with a major economic and social impact in the near and distant future.
Studies in the Department of Digital Systems consist of eight (8) semesters. In the first four (4) semesters all courses are compulsory and background knowledge on the specific subject area is provided. Each of the following two (2) semesters includes two (2) compulsory courses and four (4) elective ones, while each of the final two (2) semesters includes three (3) elective courses and the parallel pursuing of an annual Bachelor’s Thesis, providing the student with specialized scientific knowledge.
As a technology-oriented university department, emphasis is placed both on the theoretical foundation of knowledge and on its practical applications, through laboratory exercises and the completion of projects, where the student is required to work creatively, either individually or as a member of a small group. The culmination of this approach is the pursuing of the Bachelor’s Thesis, where the student, by making an intensive, systematic and relatively long effort, is required to demonstrate that they can fully address a particular problem. The student chooses the subject of their thesis to suit their scientific interests and, with the cooperation and guidance of their supervisor, deepens in the subject, studies relevant scientific developments, implements the subject requirements and presents all of their work in an original structured paper. This paper represents the student and is an important asset both for a potential continuation of their studies at a postgraduate level and for their professional career.