Department of Culture, Creative Media and Industries

Department Of Culture, Creative Media And Industries

The Department was founded in 2019 and accepted its first students in Volos, the academic year 2019-20.  It provides interdisciplinary training in subjects related to culture and cultural production practices in modern environments. Studies in the field of culture and creative industries combine theoretical training in cultural matters with education in applied fields of cultural production. The subjects included in its curriculum, combine theoretical and applied fields such as: cultural theory and history, critical theory, critical education, technology and creative pedagogy, digital culture and virtual reality, games, design, visual and performing arts, theatre, music, cinema, visual culture, audiovisual media, creative writing, publishing practices and media applications, new technologies and management/networking of material and intangible cultural heritage, creative tourism, social diversity and access rights to culture and the knowledge society. The Department covers a modern interdisciplinary field of research and teaching. The department aims to respond to modern and future needs of the dynamically emerging internationally creative economy, giving students the skills that combine theoretical and humane education with targeted specialization in applied practices of cultural production. A recent study on the creative economy in Greece demonstrates the added value of creative industries and  the increasing needs for skilled graduates, promising a fruitful career on the field.

Argonafton & Filellinon, 38221, Volos, GREECE
Telephone Number
+30 24210 06369, +30 24210 74608