The School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Thessaly was founded in 1993 based on the presidential decree (P.D.) 177/1993, with the name School of Human Sciences, and was renamed to School of Humanities and Social Sciences after 20 years, according to the P.D. 92 / 5-6-2013.
The School is based in Volos and is composed of the Departments:
Department of Primary Education
Department of Preschool Education
Department of Special Education
Department of History, Archeology and Social Anthropology
Department of Culture and Creative Media and Industries
Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Studies
The first two Departments were founded in 1984, and during the 1984-1985 academic year they welcomed the first students.
The Department of Primary Education was founded on the basis of P.D. 83/84 and of P.D. 302/85 and the Department of Preschool Education based on P.D. 83/84 and of P.D. 302/85
In 1993, the Department of Special Education was founded, based on the P.D. 177/93 and the Department of History, Archeology and Social Anthropology, based on P.D. 177/93
According to the provisions of articles 21 and 22 of law 4589/2019, are established the Department of Culture and Creative Media and Industries and the Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Studies.
Academic administrative authorities of the School are:
the Dean,
the Dean assembly and
the School assembly.