The Creative Technologies Learning Lab research team at the University of Kathmandu and Tribhuvan University, Nepal, November 2-4, 2022

The Creative Technologies Learning Lab research team at the University of Kathmandu and Tribhuvan University, Nepal, November 2-4, 2022
The Creative Technologies Learning Lab research team at the University of Kathmandu and Tribhuvan University, Nepal, November 2-4, 2022

The Creative Technologies Learning Lab research team of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Thessaly ( participated in the 3rd scheduled consortium meeting of the ICT-INOV research project ( funded by the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education program. The research project is coordinated by the University of Thessaly and is implemented in collaboration with 12 universities, 8 of which are in Asia and 4 in Europe. Specifically, universities from Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam, Italy, Portugal, Estonia, and Greece are participating in the research project.

The meeting took place at Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, between 2-4 November 2022 and was attended by all universities of the consortium. The partners had the opportunity to work together to promote the objective of the research project, which is the transfer of know-how between universities in Europe and Asia for the development of innovation skills in Computer Science and Engineering students. Within the framework of the research project, 8 computer labs have been created in the participating universities in Asia as well as digital services and learning activities that encourage the collaboration of students in groups in the context of designing innovative solutions in Computer Science and Engineering subjects. In addition, the project develops a community of good practices through educator training and events that foster know-how exchange on maximizing the impact of the ICT-INOV technology-enhanced learning intervention for innovation skill development. 

The project is implemented from 2021 to 2024.