Department of Mechanical Engineering

Κτήριο Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών

General Information

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1985, and is one of first academic departments of the University of Thessaly. Upon successful completion of the Department’s academic requirements, the students are awarded the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (5-year degree). The Diploma is an Integrated Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, equivalent to an MSc in Engineering, at level 7 of the National and European Qualifications Framework. The first students graduated from the Department in 1995. In 1996, the three Divisions of the Department were established: (i) Division of Energy, Industrial Processes and Anti-pollution Technology, (ii) Division of Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing, and (iii) Division of Production and Industrial Management.

Educational targets of the Mechanical Engineering curriculum

The Mechanical Engineering curriculum is aimed at developing Mechanical Engineers with high technical training and skills. Our graduates are capable to (a) study, understand and solve scientific and technological problems, (b) operate within a constantly evolving environment, (c) contribute to economic and technological development of the country and the international community. They are also trained to conduct research on innovative engineering topics such as materials, mechanical devices, processes and products, which are related to real needs of society. The curriculum is also aimed at developing the communication and management skills of our graduates, as well as their ability to collaborate with other disciplines in the course of complex and multi-discipline engineering projects.

Career prospects for our graduates

The career prospects for our graduates are very good at both national and international level. The recent developments in renewable energy, climate change, logistics and bio-engineering provide numerous opportunities for our graduates to pursue a successful career as Mechanical Engineers. Our graduates are registered in the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) as Mechanical Engineers, with the full package of Mechanical/Electrical Engineering professional rights for the design, construction and supervision of mechanical/electrical facilities. They can also be registered in the Registry of Designers and in the Registry of Technical Contractors (categories of mechanical, electrical, industrial, energy, and hydraulic works). The wide range of Mechanical Engineering curriculum, and in particular the specialization of several elective courses and the mandatory practical training, provides to our graduates all necessary skills for a successful career in a wide range of industrial sectors, in both technical and managerial positions. These sectors include traditional areas of Mechanical Engineering, but also state-of-the-art/multi-discipline sectors, where a specialized knowledge and background is required.


University of Thessaly, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Leoforos Athinon, Pedion Areos, 38334, Volos
Telephone Number
+30 24210 74007, +30 24210 74010, +30 24210 74011