The Department of Architecture was founded in 1999. The Department offers a five year graduate program on Architecture (integrated master). The graduates of the Department get a Diploma of Architect Engineer and they have full professional rights in Greece and the EU member countries. The Department offers also three postgraduate (post professional) master courses and a doctoral studies program. The Department enhances systematically its international profile with a high number of international cooperation relationships with universities all over the world.
The study programs offered by the Department aim at educating architects with a high technical expertise, sensitive to social and cultural aspects and able to cope with a high number of architectural design aspects. The profile of the Department is structured on the basis of understanding and accepting the multiplicity of the contemporary architectural practice and the job market specificities. The main axes of identity are based on a: the importance of theory, history, and general humanities to study architecture, b: the expansion of the design of the building object to the construction of landscape at various scales, ie the transfer of design from building to the city as an urban landscape. c: the relationship of design and technology, the virtual space and the visual arts d: the emphasis on environmental practices.
The structure of the program offers a variety of knowledge and expertise related to a diverse and multifold levels of architectural practice that is the practice of design and the creative spatial expression. This practice may vary from the conventional architectural practice to whatever is being formed dynamically in the present reality. This way the Department’s graduates can be sufficiently absorbed and integrated within the contemporary space production.