Study Program of the Department of Civil Engineering of Technological Education (T.E.) of the TEI of Thessaly (Larissa)


The Civil Engineering T.E. Study Program in Larissa (former Department of Civil Engineering T.E., TEI of Thessaly) was established in 1985 as a Department of Civil Infrastructure Projects, with its opening in the academic year 1985 -1986. In 2013, the Department of Civil Infrastructure Projects was renamed to the Department of Civil Engineering T.E. of TEI of Thessaly based in Larissa with advanced semester course: Infrastructure Engineers T.E.


The course content of the Civil Engineering T.E. Curriculum covers areas of cognition related to the objects of: (a) hydraulic works and (b) transportation works. The first area refers to urban hydraulic works (water supply, drainage and hydrodynamic works) and agricultural hydraulic works (irrigation, drainage, river and torrent settlement, flood protection). The second area concerns road construction, traffic and transport techniques. Specifically, studies in the Curriculum include a field of knowledge related to the design, construction, supervision, operation, repair and maintenance of hydraulic and transportation projects.


The aim of the Curriculum is to provide the necessary and high-level scientific-technological education so that upon completion of their studies the graduates of the Curriculum acquire the necessary, in accordance with international standards, theoretical and technological knowledge and skills, so that they successfully be able to work in their fields of activity and to respond to changing scientific, technological, economic and social conditions in the national and international environment. The curriculum includes: (a) General Infrastructure Courses, (b) Special Infrastructure Courses, (c) Specialty Courses, and (d) Economics Management and Law courses.


University of Thessaly, Civil Engineering Τ.Ε. Study Program, Gaiopolis 41110 Larissa
Telephone Number
+30 2410 684527, +30 2410684304, +30 2410 684473