The «1st Summer School on Digital Design & Advanced Manufacturing» with Rowan University has been successfully completed

The «1st Summer School on Digital Design & Advanced Manufacturing» with Rowan University has been successfully completed
The «1st Summer School on Digital Design & Advanced Manufacturing» with Rowan University has been successfully completed

The «1st Summer School on Digital Design & Advanced Manufacturing» (DDAM) held in Volos between July 8 - 12 has been completed with great success!


Last week (July 8-12), the University of Thessaly (UTH) organised a Summer School in collaboration with the Digital Engineering Hub (DEHub) at Rowan University, focusing on Digital Design and Advanced Manufacturing (DDAM), a state-of-the-art topic in Mechanical Engineering.

The Summer School expanded the international relations of our University with the USA and was organized by Antonios Kontsos, Director of DEHub and first Henry M. Rowan Foundation Professor of the Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering at Rowan University and Emmanouil Bouzakis, Associate Professor of Manufacturing and Director of the Manufacturing Processes Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UTH. 

In total, 6 students from Rowan University, USA, 3 students from Polytech Nantes, France, and 17 students from UTH attended the Summer School, and followed a single-week intensive program, consisting of in-class teaching, group projects and site visits in the industrial facilities of Lafarge and Ilvief in Volos. 

On the last day of the School, the students presented their group projects to a panel of academic judges, and the winning team received an award during the farewell reception that took place at the Central Building of the University, in Volos seafront.

Along with the academic coordinators of the Summer School, the following academics were present in the farewell reception: the Vice-Rector of International Relations, Outreach & Lifelong Education, Prof. Spyros A. Karamanos, the Vice Rector of Finance and Electronic Governance, Prof. Efthimios Providas, the Dean of Engineering, Prof. Eftihia G. Nathanail, as well as Prof. Costas Papadimitriou, Prof. Alexis Kermanids and Dr Eleni Kamoutsi, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

During the reception, Vice-Rector Spyros A. Karamanos commented: “We are all thrilled and very excited for the immense success of the Summer School, and for the enthusiastic participation of our students and their “osmosis” with the American students from New Jersey and the French students from Nantes. We are sincerely grateful to Professors Kontsos and Bouzakis for the incredible amount of energy and time they devoted in this effort. We look forward to developing further our strategic partnership with Rowan University, and to organizing the 2nd Summer School on DDAM next year, with even greater success and international participation.”