- Student Welfare Department,
Argonauts and Philhellenes str., PC 38 221 Volos (Papastratos building, 1st floor)
Tel: 24210 74593, 74569, 74621, 74643. Fax: 24210 74561 / e-mail: merimna [at] uth.gr (merimna[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Medical Department,
New Building of Medicine, Viopolis, PC 41 500 Larissa
Tel: 2410 685594. Fax: 2410 685546 / e-mail: dbetsis [at] uth.gr (dbetsis[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology,
VIOPOLIS, Τ.Κ. 41 500 Larissa
Tel: 2410 565273. Fax: 2410 565290 / e-mail: vpapadop [at] bio.uth.gr (vpapadop[at]bio[dot]uth[dot]gr)
- Independent Department of Feeding & Housing (former TEI)
Gaeopolis, Larissa-Trikala Ring Road, PC 41 500, Larisa
Tel: 2410 684393, 684431, 684572, 684407 / e-mail: sitisi-stegasi-lar [at] uth.gr (sitisi-stegasi-lar[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Department of Physical Education and Sports Science,
Karyes PC 42 100, Trikala
Tel: 24310 47021. Fax: 24310 47042 / e-mail: niktzalas [at] pe.uth.gr (niktzalas[at]pe[dot]uth[dot]gr)
- Feeding Office (former TEI,)
Argonauts 1C str., PC 42 132, Trikala
Tel: 24309 47104, 24310 47103 / e-mail: eirinifrag [at] uth.gr (eirinifrag[at]uth[dot]gr), anastasiafilippou [at] uth.gr (anastasiafilippou[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Department of Veterinary Medicine,
Trikalon 224 str., PC 43 100, Karditsa
Tel: 24410 66000, 666042, 666021 e-mail: elevasilaki [at] uth.gr (elevasilaki[at]uth[dot]gr) (FEEDING), evoulgari [at] uth.gr (evoulgari[at]uth[dot]gr)
- (HOUSING) Housing & Catering Office (former TEI)
Student Dormitory, Terma Mavromichali, PC 43 100
Tel: 24410 64746, 72042 / e-mail: olgatzouvara [at] uth.gr (olgatzouvara[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Department of Informatics and Telecommunications,
Papasiopoulou 2-4 str., PC 35 100, Galaneika Lamia
Tel: 22310 66938, 66923. Fax: 22310 66730 / e-mail: g-cs [at] uth.gr (g-cs[at]uth[dot]gr), athankaranik [at] uth.gr (athankaranik[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Department of Informatics with Applications in Biomedicine,
Papasiopoulou 2-4 str., PC 35 100, Galaneika Lamia
Tel: 22310 66901. Fax: 22310 66939 / e-mail: akokkinos [at] uth.gr (akokkinos[at]uth[dot]gr)
- Department of Study Support, Student Welfare & Educational Exchanges (former TEI)
3rd km O.N.R.. Lamia-Athens, PC 35 100, Lamia
Tel: 22310 60141, 60215. Fax: 22310 33945 / e-mail: merimnalam [at] uth.gr (merimnalam[at]uth[dot]gr)