School of Health Sciences

The School of Health Sciences includes six separate Departments which cover a group of related disciplines.

The School is directed by:

  1. the General Assembly of the School (G.A. of the School) including all members of the General Assemblies of the School’s Departments,
  2. the Deanship including, the Dean, the Chairs of Departments, one student’s representative, one representative of the EEP, EDP and ETEP members,
  3. the Dean, who is elected for a three-year term


The Deanship has the following responsibilities:

a) supervises the operation of the School and its Departments,

b) sets the School’s educational and research policy and its development plan, within the framework of the University’s policy, and conducts annual report of the relevant activities

c) elaborates the Departments’ Assemblies suggestions for the need of new faculty member positions, as well as EEP, EDP, ETEP and submits relevant proposals to the Senate,

d) distributes according to the decisions of the Senate, funds to the Departments, as well as the Laboratories, the Clinics, and the Museums of the School, that do not belong to a Department,

e) proposes and coordinates joint courses within the School’s Departments as well as with other School’s Departments

f) provides opinion on the Institution’s Development Plan, as far as it concerns the School

g) organizes and determines the School’s services operational mode and the manpower required

h) takes initiatives to develop collaborations within the School’s Departments or between Departments of other Schools and to support interdisciplinarity of study programs

The Dean has the following responsibilities:

a) convenes the School’s General Assembly, the Deanery, sets their agendas, chairs their work, ensures the implementation of the decisions taken respectively

b) supervises the implementation of the Departments’ Study Regulations, the observance of this law, the University’s Organization, and Internal Regulation

c) chairs the Deanery’s services,

d) sets up committees for the study or processing of specific issues that fall within its responsibilities

e) participates in the Institution’s Postgraduate Studies Committee

The Dean prepares an annual report of his work, which submits for approval to the General Assembly of the School.

University of Thessaly , School of Health Sciences, Library Building, 1st Floor, BIOPOLIS, PO BOX 41500 Larissa
Telephone Number
+30 2410 685745, 2410 685746 & 2410 685747
+30 2410 685541
kosmitia_sey [at] uth [dot] gr